Why Do We Disapprove Of Gold Diggers?

Isn’t it time to accept they’ve always been around?

John Lewis
3 min readSep 18, 2021
Woman wearing glasses tossing her hair in nature.
Photo by Allef Vinicius on Unsplash

Gold diggers. Sugar babies. Kept women. Mistresses. Trophy wives and girl friends.

They’ve been known throughout recorded history. The women who have bartered their looks, charms, and other skills in order to live lives of ease and luxury, often gaining access to riches, power, and notoriety in the bargain.

They have also been vilified for doing so, for no real reason that I can understand.

Consider the stereotypical gold digger — she’s usually young, attractive (often extremely so) and has no trouble getting attention from potential partners. She literally has to beat them off with the proverbial club.

Since she has a pick of suitors, is it any wonder she chooses the wealthiest from the potentials who will provide her the lifestyle she wants to live? Plus, as long as she continues to be attractive, she can move from one to another as is her whim should the current interest become a dead-end.

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John Lewis

John Lewis was born in Europe, and came by both wanderlust and curiosity from that beginning. He considers this his Third Act in Life.